30K Innovation Consulting

Concept // Use Design Thinking Frameworks to define the story behind the 30K brand
Role // Innovation Research, Design, Business Consulting

When we met the CEO of the 30K start-up, we learned that the company had changed its mission and target market several times, leaving a trail of scattered, inconsistent messaging throughout their digital communications. Since the messaging about their product was so unclear, sales and partner retention was waning. In order to reverse this trajectory, our team needed to clearly understand the product to define its purpose so that we could help the company effectively communicate their narrative. We used UX research techniques of critique, interviewing, and stakeholder mapping, then developed a creative matrix which detailed our strategy for the final communications roll-out.

Stakeholder Mapping.jpg

Step 1.

Change by Design

Conduct research using IDEO Innovation Frameworks through LUMA training.

MILEFY Mockup.jpg

Step 2.

Story-Telling Challenge

From research outcomes, develop branded communications to help connect 30K with their target markets to boost sales and retention.


Step 3. Delivery

Branded Copy, Press Release, Q&A, Brochure, Colors, and Photography.
Click each image to view the associated collateral.

Branded Brochure

Branded Brochure



Press Release

Press Release


30K is the world’s leading provider of fare attributes and frequent flyer benefits for travel shopping and booking platforms. Their award-winning technology computes frequent flyer miles and benefits for any flight in the world to improve your conversion, loyalty and ticket value

Learn More at 30K.com →


Creative Direction


Step Up


Prometheus Floor Plan Optimization