
Hi, I’m Becca!

With roots in the Midwest, but a jet-setter at heart, I spent 6 years after grad school in San Francisco just started my next chapter in New York City. I recently pivoted from my role as an Art Director at a brand consultancy in LA in pursuit of my next career. I’m currently consulting and designing for some really amazing brands as a freelancer and I couldn’t be more fulfilled!

A lover of a side-hustle, even when I’m working a 9-5, I spend a lot of my free time on freelance and other passion projects. From the big-picture challenges to the the smallest asset updates, I’m always excited to help design strategic solutions that create lasting impact.

I thrive on collaboration, and love meeting new people and developing meaningful connections. No matter the scale of the project, I’m excited to work alongside clients and colleagues to explore what could be.

I’m a forward-thinking, adaptable, thoughtful, and precise designer. And though I don’t particularly enjoy stress, I do like pressure, so I tend to thrive in an environment where the bar is high, responsibilities and expectations are clear, and growth is encouraged.

At my core, I’m a design thinker with the drive to create human-centered experiences for purpose-led organizations.

Every day I wake up excited to help brands evolve through an innovation lens.

My Mantra

Stay ahead of the wave behind you. We can not solve problems using the same kind of thinking we used when creating them. Be inspired, remain curious, and seek possibility.

What’s on your mind?


I’m ultra-curious and want to know a little bit about everyone and everything. I’m a seeker, learner, introspector, and reflector. A few of my favorites — traveling, coffee, culture, language, hiking, yoga, podcasts, people, and houseplants.

If you’d like to chat in person or over a virtual coffee, let’s get in touch. It doesn’t only have to be about design – I’d love to hear about the things that you’re excited about and the things that keep you up at night. I can’t wait to help you bring your ideas to life.

Core Design Values


Good work takes time.

There is a calm certainty in being thoughtful and intentional - sometimes we need to start slow to go fast. If we design calmly and carefully we will get a project done more quickly, with far fewer revisions down the line. It just makes sense.

It’s more than just looks.

Good design is appearance and functionality together; it's the experience that truly makes it good design. There is strategy behind good branding and business decisions.

Plan A, B, and C through Z.

Design thinking is and important step in transforming visions into designs and ideas into brands. The solution is not just knowing what works but also exploring what doesn’t work. Finding multiple solutions to the problem you want to solve is key to uncovering the best one.


Everything is interconnected.

Everything needs something else, often a complex array of other things, to survive. We talk about this shift from linear to circular in spirituality and biology, and when we apply it to inanimate objects and ideas, we arrive at systems thinking. For example: a chair needs a tree to grow to provide its wood, and a cell phone needs electricity for power. If we shift the way we see the world, from a linear, “mechanical worldview’ to a dynamic, chaotic, interconnected array of relationships and feedback loops, we can untangle and work within the complexity of whatever challenge we are tackling.

Process is important.

Actions lead to results which shape the future. Identifying and mapping all of the ‘things’ that impact a product or service helps us understand how they interconnect, relate, and act in a complex system. The insights and discoveries from this process can be used to develop interventions, shifts, or big decisions that will create change in the most effective way. The ultimate goal is optimized balance and fluidity to create a seamless experience.

The Packers should win the Super Bowl. Always.

We have the best quarterbacks in the league. It is a fact.